Artist: Ogon Shinshi Club
Two lonely souls, Daiki and Mariko, find each other working the same supermarket shift. Having a crush on Mariko for as long as he can remember, Daiki makes his feelings known, kindling a flame deep inside her...
Ex Tax:$9.25
Artist: Ogon Shinshi Club
Kinoshita’s lust knows no bounds, and he decides to explore a more mature venture… A venture that also happens to be married and his teacher...
Ex Tax:$7.95
Artist: Ogon Shinshi Club
Finally back from her hot springs trip with her father-in-law, Yui puts what happened behind her and goes back to how her life used to be… Or not. Despite feeling guilty, she just can’t say no to sex with Shouzou after what she experienced. Will Yui be able to refuse his advances, or will she comple..
Ex Tax:$11.95
Artist: Ogon Shinshi Club
Ex Tax:$7.95
Artist: Ogon Shinshi Club
Ex Tax:$6.95
Artist: Ogon Shinshi Club
全職主婦的由衣與丈夫達典以及公公昭三三人住在兩代同堂住宅裡生活在一起。與身為公公的昭三關係很好,每天都過著幸福日子的由衣,卻因為無法從與丈夫的性愛上獲得滿足而悶悶不樂。然而某一天,家庭成員的三人計劃一起去旅行,但丈夫卻臨時有工作。所以變成由衣與昭三兩人單獨去旅行。而當天晚上,由衣不小心喝太多酒了...被公公睡走的人妻漫畫 第一彈!..
Ex Tax:$6.95
Artist: Ogon Shinshi Club
Miki is the busty class idol that all the boys have their eyes on. Little do the guys know that Kinoshita, an introvert in the same class, has a new secret weapon up his sleeve. Its name: Submist…Artist StatementWe hope overseas fans will enjoy our works!..
Ex Tax:$7.95
Artist: Ogon Shinshi Club
Unsatisfied with just Miki, Kinoshita moves on to his next target… Aya, the tanned star of the track team...
Ex Tax:$8.95
Artist: Ogon Shinshi Club
Yui is a housewife that lives with her husband and his father. Her step-father, Shouzou, is friendly and enjoyable to be around but is not a looker. Shouzou pays for the three of them to go on a trip to a hot springs to celebrate Yui and her husband’s third anniversary. But when her husband is no lo..
Ex Tax:$8.25
Artist: Ogon Shinshi Club
After their long night of sex, the story continues with Yui and her step-father in the hot springs bath. With the bath reserved to themselves, it’s no surprise what happens next as Yui keeps convincing herself that this is a one time thing…..
Ex Tax:$8.95
Artist: Ogon Shinshi Club
If one man's trash is another man's treasure, then one man's abandoned sexdroid is another man's new sex toy and girlfriend! In the world of the future where artificial intelligence is commonplace and androids perform most work, those without wealth or connections have to take on menial jobs like tr..
Ex Tax:$8.95
Showing 1 to 11 of 11 (1 Pages)