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Imaizumi Sale on-going until April 6, 2025! Discounts and Physical Book Giveaway Campaign! Click Here


Artist: Tachibana Omina
In the final chapter, the throuple discuss their potential future while enjoying their one week vacation with cosplay, swimsuits, and other kinky acts on the agenda!..
Ex Tax:$11.25
Artist: Alps Ichimando
Saki has just moved to a new city and is looking for friends through a matching app. Someone to chat with, someone to share hobbies with, maybe even someone to fuck with in a public bathroom at night...
Ex Tax:$7.95
Artist: IRON Y
In order to help her husband repay his debts, Izumi started working at a brothel. At first, he liked the idea, then he hated it, and then he started loving it... This is the beginning of IRON Y's great NTR series! A must-read for fans of the genre.Artist Statement:Pornography is but fiction. No..
Ex Tax:$7.25
Artist: Maimu Maimu
Sakura is a single mom who secretly works at a brothel to make ends meet, but her son’s friend Masaya finds out what she gets up to at night!..
Ex Tax:$10.25
Artist: Ayakase Chiyoko
Yumi goes to meet her boyfriend's son for the first time, but is met by an unpleasant surprise. That son is the very boy who, years before, had taken advantage of her...
Ex Tax:$8.25
Artist: Deep Valley
The world is struck by a disease that makes women horny, and the only cure is... sex...
Ex Tax:$10.25
Artist: Shirouzu Myuuta
Miyuki is hoping to shed some pounds to keep her loving hubby happy, but her swimming instructor has a different weight-loss plan in mind for her!Artist Statement:Hello, I'm Myuuta Shirouzu. This English release of "Instructor: Married Wife Chapter" was made possible with help from Irodori Comics. I..
Ex Tax:$5.25
Artist: Chin
Tsuyoshi has to be the luckiest guy in the world - he gets to spend every night in matrimonial bliss with his buxom high school sweetheart, and they're even planning a baby together! Nevermind that she's been spending more time out of the house lately ever since an encounter with his muscled ladykil..
Ex Tax:$7.95
A living legend among local prostitutes is beginning to get bored of girls for hire, but when he goes to investigate some... questionable sounds coming from next door, a horny housewife who's heard of his exploits volunteers to be his Lady Luck for the night. Artist statement:Hello everyone! I'm rea..
Ex Tax:$6.25
When his brother's wife gets on his case about going out and getting a job, deadbeat Kengo picks up some tricks and uses them to take care of a thorn in his side...
Ex Tax:$7.25
Artist: Arai Kei
After moving cross-country for her husband's job, Michiko discovers she's unwittingly being targeted for a competition with one simple objective: the first person to put a baby in her is crowned victor. May the best man win!..
Ex Tax:$10.95
L'invisible cage de l'épouse mature (FRENCH)
Irodori Citron
Artist: Akari Blast!
Haruka, la femme de Takumi, est une femme mature qui semble bonne à tout ce qu’elle fait. Cela complexe ce dernier qui se sent inférieur au travail, à la maison et au lit. Cette solitude le conduit à succomber à la séduction du la femme de son patron. En revanche, quand il se retrouve seul face à Ha..
Ex Tax:$8.25
La Compilation des Sombres Désirs (FRENCH)
Irodori Citron
Artist: Kurosu Gatari
Voici la compilation de la série des Sombres Désirs...
Ex Tax:$20.95
La Compilation des Sombres Désirs (Physical Book - FRENCH)
Physical Book
Artist: Kurosu Gatari
Voici la compilation de la série des Sombres DésirsThis print book is part of a limited-run print batch. We currently do not have plans to reprint the book once sold out...
La Farouche Femme des neiges et la bague maudite (FRENCH)
Irodori Citron
Artist: Puuzaki Puuna
Le propriétaire d'une résidence trouve une bague qui permet de contrôler les yokai et s'en sert sur une magnifique femme des neiges qui habite dans l’un de ses appartements...
Ex Tax:$12.95
La femme du patron est délicieuse ! (FRENCH)
Irodori Citron
Artist: Alps Ichimando
M. Kudo est un habitué du restaurant local où Mayumi, la ravissante femme du patron fait forte impression sur les clients. En revanche, M. Kudo est muté par son travail, et lorsqu’il visite pour la dernière fois le restaurant, il rassemble son courage pour avouer ses sentiments à Mayumi...
Ex Tax:$6.95
La mère de ma copine est ma sex friend (FRENCH)
Irodori Citron
Artist: Maimu Maimu
Yuki a un vilain secret qu’il cache à sa copine... Pendant qu’elle mène des activités extrascolaires, il donne des bons coups de reins à sa mère !Mot de l’artiste :Bonjour à tous, je dessine des ménagères rondes et très cochonnes. J’espère que mon travail vous plaira !..
Ex Tax:$11.25
La mère de ma copine est ma sex friend 2 (FRENCH)
Irodori Citron
Artist: Maimu Maimu
Yuki et la mère de sa copine continuent leurs parties de jambes en l’air dans le plus grand secret. Leur relation se développe jusqu'à atteindre le point de non retour…..
Ex Tax:$11.25
La tante que j’ai toujours aimée (FRENCH)
Irodori Citron
Artist: MILF Shobou
*This work is in French. For the English version, click here.Synopsis : Manami, mère de famille, a pour habitude de s’occuper de son neveu. Le sachant malade, elle accourt à son chevet pour prendre soin de lui, mais ce dernier a des demandes bien particulières… Elle était loin de se douter..
Ex Tax:$9.95
La tante que j’ai toujours aimée 2 (FRENCH)
Irodori Citron
Artist: MILF Shobou
Le plan de Reiji visant à transformer sa tante en esclave sexuelle suit son cours, et cette fois, il ira jusqu'au bout.....
Ex Tax:$12.25
Le corps de Shinobu la divorcée (FRENCH)
Irodori Citron
Artist: Yoshu Ohepe
Manager d’un konbini le jour, bête de sexe après le travail : suivez les aventures torrides de Shôichi et Shinobu, sa patronne divorcée aux formes voluptueuses...
Ex Tax:$4.95
Le corps de Shinobu la divorcée – Nuit aux sources chaudes (FRENCH)
Irodori Citron
Artist: Yoshu Ohepe
Shinobu et Shōichi font un petit voyage dans des sources chaudes pour se « détendre »...
Ex Tax:$4.95
Le corps de Shinobu la divorcée – Sexe dans le studio (FRENCH)
Irodori Citron
Artist: Yoshu Ohepe
Shinobu réalise qu’elle peut parfois paraître effrayante à son entourage, et décide de fournir des efforts afin de devenir plus aimable envers Shouichi… Et quelle meilleure façon pour cela que de l’inviter à prendre une douche ensemble dans son studio ?..
Ex Tax:$4.95
Le jour où la voisine m'a dépucelé (FRENCH)
Irodori Citron
Artist: Aka P
Tateri vit seul, mais sa voisine, une belle femme au foyer, aime s'occuper de lui. Un soir, alors que son mari est en déplacement, c'est bien différemment qu'elle s'occupe de Tateri.... sous la couette...
Ex Tax:$5.95
Le maillot translucide de ma mère ~dévorée par des jeunes locaux~
Irodori Citron
Artist: MILF Shobou
Honami est une femme au foyer ordinaire qui a accompagné son fils à la plage. Seulement, elle est confrontée à un léger problème : elle n’avait pas prévu que le maillot de bain qu’elle avait commandé en ligne deviendrait translucide une fois mouillé ! Que va-t-il donc lui arriver après que les jeune..
Ex Tax:$18.25
Artist: Tsukino Jyogi
Housewife Misako just wants a quiet life, but her peace is disrupted when her husband invites his coworker home for drinks...Artist Statement: Nice to meet you all. My name is Tsukino Jyogi. Thanks to Irodori Comics, my doujinshi are now available in English, and uncensored. for those of you al..
Ex Tax:$7.95
Artist: Aka P
Tateri lives by himself, but his neighbor, a pretty housewife, likes to take care of him. One night, when her husband is away, she takes care of Tateri in another way—in bed.Artist Statement:Hi everyone, I'm AkaP. Readers overseas have never had the chance to see my work up until now, and now that t..
Ex Tax:$5.95
Losing My Virginity to the Housewife Next Door (Physical Book)
Physical Book
Artist: Aka P
Tateri lives by himself, but his neighbor, a pretty housewife, likes to take care of him. One night, when her husband is away, she takes care of Tateri in another way—in bed.For the Digital Version click here. This print book is part of a limited-run print batch. We currently do not have p..
Ex Tax:$18.00
Artist: Sueyuu
A year has passed since Naomi and Yuu became friends. With Naomi finally moving toward a brighter future, will their relationship also develop into something more?..
Ex Tax:$10.25
Artist: Nibo Niboshi
Sometimes the secret to a happy marriage is overlooking (with hidden cameras) your wife's cheating. Tsuyoshi and and his wife Misaki are trying to have a baby after being married for a few years, but one day, Tsuyoshi spots a used condom in their bedroom. Upon setting up cameras to see what's going ..
Ex Tax:$8.95
Ma belle-mère de compagnie ~Je la dresse à obéir à côté de mon père endormi~ (FRENCH)
Irodori Citron
Artist: MILF Shobou
Haruto a une belle-mère parfaite. Son père lui est loin de se douter que sa femme obéit en fait au doigt et à la queue de son fils…..
Ex Tax:$7.95
Ma Tante Elfe et le Retour Explosif de sa Vie Sexuelle (FRENCH)
Irodori Citron
Artist: Alps Ichimando
Malgré les années qui passent, ma tante elfe n’a toujours pas perdu de sa superbe. On ne peut pas en dire autant de mon oncle, que l’âge a rendu impuissant et donc incapable de la satisfaire… Maintenant, dès que je leur rends visite, j’ai l’impression qu’il y a comme un truc entre elle et moi… Mais ..
Ex Tax:$10.25
Artist: Raka
Honoka wants to improve her sex life and marriage, so her friend books her a session with an outcall masseuse!【Artist Statement】Hello, my name is Raka. Thank you for your interest in this story. I'm really happy that my work is being enjoyed by people overseas. This story is in the POV of ..
Ex Tax:$10.95
Maman sait ce qui est bon pour toi (FRENCH)
Irodori Citron
*This work is in French. For the English version, click here.Synopsis : Tomo et sa copine Naoko se disputent. Puis elle sort et s’en va, complètement furieuse. La mère de Tomo arrive à point nommé pour le réconforter… Seulement, ils ont une manière bien à eux de passer du bon temps entre m..
Ex Tax:$6.25
Maman sait ce qui est bon pour toi 2 La revoilà ! (FRENCH)
Irodori Citron
Manami, la mère de Tomo, a décidé de lui rendre visite à l’improviste. Une visite particulièrement torride… Mais Naoko, la copine de Tomo, va arriver d’un moment à l’autre…..
Ex Tax:$7.25
Mariée et infidèle malgré elle - L'histoire de Yukari Masuda (FRENCH)
Irodori Citron
Artist: Syomu
*This work is in French. For the English version, click here.Synopsis : Yukari et Masa rêvent d’avoir un enfant, malheureusement les spermatozoïdes de monsieur ne font pas l’affaire. Il va alors trouver une solution peu orthodoxe, mais qui se révélera assez efficace… Son petit frère.Message de ..
Ex Tax:$6.95
Artist: Gagarinkichi
Hitomi lived a stale life with her unattentive husband until her nephew-in-law moved into their home. When she winds up in a sexual relationship with him, she discovers what real, passionate sex feels like!Artist Statement:I'm very happy to see my NTR works made officialy available in English! Pleas..
Ex Tax:$7.95
Artist: Inato Serere
One hot summer evening, an office worker recalls his first time with a beautiful housewife in a lovely yukata...
Ex Tax:$6.95
Artist: miki OORO
This collection features 3 works by miki OORO:Skipping Class for Housewife AssDescription: Skip class. Spend all afternoon cumming inside of a sexy housewife. Repeat.Original Title: 人妻のお昼休み (HITODUMA NO OHIRUYASUMI)Page count: 10Having a Housewife AfternoonDescription: Some housewives take afte..
Ex Tax:$6.25
Artist: Alps Ichimando
Peek into a big-tittied college student and her even bigger mom's respective sex lives through the eyes of a hidden camera—cheating included. Could this be an NTR double feature, or something else? You won't believe what happens next!..
Ex Tax:$7.25
Mon épouse est sans limites ! Sandwich de frangines ! (FRENCH)
Irodori Citron
Artist: Ootori Mahiro
Mei, épouse modèle, est terriblement réfractaire à l’idée de faire l’amour avec son mari adoré. Heureusement, sa sœur cadette est là pour lui faire découvrir les plaisirs de la chair, et Mei n’est peut-être pas la femme prude qu’elle pensait être…..
Ex Tax:$8.95
Tomo's mother, Manami, comes over to check up on him. After witnessing him and his girlfriend break up, Manami decides to give her son a little motherly love.....
Ex Tax:$6.25
Manami comes over to Tomo's place for a surprise visit. Tomo has a date planned with his girlfriend, so whatever happens has to happen quickly!..
Ex Tax:$7.25
Artist: Eda
Ryoko’s fuckbuddy asks her to work as a housekeeper while his wife is out of town. Although Ryoko enjoys hardcore sex and exposing herself, she isn’t ready for what the Hayashi household is about to give her...
Ex Tax:$8.25
Artist: Gagarinkichi
Having lost his job, Teppei and his beautiful wife, Elena, move back to the countryside to live with his uncle as they get back on their feet. Everything’s bigger in the countryside! The nature, the homes… and the meat…..
Ex Tax:$13.25
Artist: Gagarinkichi
Akane’s husband runs into Hiroki, their childhood friend, but doesn’t know he also used to be Akane’s fuck buddy...
Ex Tax:$12.25
Artist: Shigemiya
Takeru's big brother married his first love and best friend while he was off at college. But now he's home, and he's determined to steal her back!Artist Statement: Hello everyone, I'm Shigemiya. I'm so happy to have my works available in English so that people outside of Japan can read them too..
Ex Tax:$9.25
After Mitsuki's new husband is injured in a car accident, he can't do his job as the caretaker for various properties his family owns. To make things worse, he can't satisfy Mitsuki in the bedroom! Mitsuki decides to take on the job of caretaker herself, but one of the tentants has his eye on her.....
Ex Tax:$7.95
Artist: Alps Ichimando
The aunt I grew up admiring is even sexier and curvier than ever, but being an elf that lives thousands of years, she no longer gets much "attention" from my uncle who is now an old man. With the air bursting with sexual tension whenever I'm around her, it's only a matter of time before someone expl..
Ex Tax:$10.25
Artist: Higefurai
Satoru and his mother crossed a line in their relationship some time last year when hubby was away. Now that he's gone out of town on business, the two of them have a whole day to explore those feelings. Mommy's got a surefire idea to really get Satoru in the mood, though she may not be fully prepar..
Ex Tax:$6.95
Showing 151 to 200 of 451 (10 Pages)