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Physical Books

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The Everlasting Elf of the Evening 1 ~Lucid Dreams~ (Physical Book)
Low Stock Low Stock Physical Book
Artist: Usagi Nagomu
Long ago, a high elf princess was banished to the "Forest of Lucid Dreams". A scholar ventures deep into this forest and is met with the princess herself.For the Digital Version click here. This print book is part of a limited-run print batch. We currently do not have plans to reprint the ..
Ex Tax:$22.00
The Girls Next Door are Insatiable! (Physical Book)
Physical Book
Artist: Ayakase Chiyoko
How can a guy concentrate on his studies when the three sexually frustrated  girls next door can't keep their hands off of him!?For the Digital Version click here. This print book is part of a limited-run print batch. We currently do not have plans to reprint the book once sold out...
Ex Tax:$35.00
twin Milf-additional episode 外傳+1 (實體同人誌)
Physical Book
在描繪美艷巨乳熟女雙胞胎浪蕩性生活的《twin Milf》連載結束三年後,那對雙胞胎終於回來了!這次是直接承襲第二集完結篇後的續集,在那之後,美女雙胞胎們也依舊過著沒羞沒躁的性愛日常。這個小插曲不太會出現什麼令人震驚的事實或展開,獻給喜愛爆乳熟女和雙胞胎愛愛的朋友!如果需要電子版作品請點選這邊※ 作品頁面的預覽圖皆為使用3D程式建立的樣品,並非實際的實際的作品厚度,請多注意。This print book is part of a limited-run print batch. We currently do not have plans to reprint the book o..
Ex Tax:$5.95
兔子女僕的挑逗 (實體同人誌)
Physical Book
Artist: Amane Ruri
最近我家的女僕真是愈來愈不聽話了。難道她是在戲弄身為處男的我嗎?!睡前突如其來的問候令人措手不及,這濕濕黏黏的觸感……我的貞操該不會……?敬請期待積極主動小女僕與草食系主人的攻防戰!如果需要電子版作品請點選這邊※ 作品頁面的預覽圖皆為使用3D程式建立的樣品,並非實際的實際的作品厚度,請多注意。This print book is part of a limited-run print batch. We currently do not have plans to reprint the book once sold out...
Ex Tax:$6.25
加班辦公室愛愛~怕叫出聲只好不停接吻~ (實體同人誌)
Physical Book
Artist: Mira
某日,上司召集部門同事宣佈舞衣香要離職一事,而被蒙在鼓裡的小葵非常驚訝;當晚上加班只剩兩人時,小葵向舞衣香鬧彆扭,而舞衣香卻被鬧彆扭的小葵給迷住,在辦公室做起色色的事……如果需要電子版作品請點選這邊※ 作品頁面的預覽圖皆為使用3D程式建立的樣品,並非實際的實際的作品厚度,請多注意。This print book is part of a limited-run print batch. We currently do not have plans to reprint the book once sold out...
Ex Tax:$8.25
只有好色這點的惡女 (實體同人誌)
Physical Book
Artist: Achumuchi
沒有朋友,也沒有女朋友。只有手機遊戲是在黑心企業上班的雄介他生活中唯一的樂趣。某一天,雄介和他遊戲中的隊友們線下聚會,而前來的卻是三個性感的女人。現在,其中一個人邀請雄介到她家中練習遊戲,但是等待雄介的可能是另一種樂趣…如果需要電子版作品請點選這邊※ 作品頁面的預覽圖皆為使用3D程式建立的樣品,並非實際的實際的作品厚度,請多注意。This print book is part of a limited-run print batch. We currently do not have plans to reprint the book once sold out...
Ex Tax:$9.95
只有好色這點的惡女2 (實體同人誌)
Physical Book
Artist: Achumuchi
被稱為男人殺手的凱留,她計劃吸乾的下一個男人就是雄介。俗話說的好:有其母必有其女。她每一吋豐滿的肉體都是為了取悅男人們陰莖,並且吸乾他們所有的精液。當雄介為了保住自己的生命而奮戰時,他將會希望他們只不過是游戲玩伴。如果需要電子版作品請點選這邊※ 作品頁面的預覽圖皆為使用3D程式建立的樣品,並非實際的實際的作品厚度,請多注意。This print book is part of a limited-run print batch. We currently do not have plans to reprint the book once sold out...
Ex Tax:$13.25
對宅宅很溫柔的辣妹甜蜜愛愛物語 (實體同人誌)
Physical Book
Artist: Sueyuu
獨自一人在屋頂煩惱的主角,以及誤以為他要跳樓的不良少女。雖然她一臉心情不好的樣子,但由於某個共同點使得兩人距離拉近。道別時,不良少女為了替受霸凌而苦的主角製造個「活下去的理由」而撩起了裙子。兩人的關係也開始逐漸變得色色的感覺...…各自懷著煩惱的兩人色色青春物語。純愛系的青春情色漫畫。如果需要電子版作品請點選這邊※ 作品頁面的預覽圖皆為使用3D程式建立的樣品,並非實際的實際的作品厚度,請多注意。This print book is part of a limited-run print batch. We currently do not have plans to reprint ..
Ex Tax:$12.25
後宮般的分租套房 5人的性慾管理與被委任的我 (實體同人誌)
Physical Book
Artist: Ootori Mahiro
升大學時,搬到曾是兒時玩伴的家,現在是伯母經營的女子宿舍,並擔任宿舍管理人的主角在那裡等待他的是欠缺男性灌溉的五位女主角♪一心只有主角的兒時玩伴最喜歡喝酒與精液的伯母愛玩乳頭的留學生與辣妹醉心於肛門的陰角妹書內的H場景包含雙人口交、雙人乳交交互乳頭玩樂性愛舔肛乳交、肛交等各種性癖的大遊行♪請享受與各位女主角同歡的后宮生活吧!如果需要電子版作品請點選這邊※ 作品頁面的預覽圖皆為使用3D程式建立的樣品,並非實際的實際的作品厚度,請多注意。This print book is part of a limited-run print batch. We currently do not ha..
Ex Tax:$9.25
游泳社王牌催眠計畫 (實體同人誌)
Physical Book
Artist: Hassen
在學校內有名的游泳社王牌被體育老師下了●●。雖然以堅強意志要對抗●●但還是漸漸的被●●與快感所吞沒…。還請期待競技泳裝的著衣場景!如果需要電子版作品請點選這邊※ 作品頁面的預覽圖皆為使用3D程式建立的樣品,並非實際的實際的作品厚度,請多注意。This print book is part of a limited-run print batch. We currently do not have plans to reprint the book once sold out...
Ex Tax:$8.95
繼妹所以沒問題!! 與妹妹在家裡跟旅館的LOVELOVE生活 篇 (實體同人誌)
Physical Book
Artist: Benzou
某天,我被自己的妹妹告白了。一開始我還能用理性自制,但有一天在妹妹的誘惑下,我跨越了那條界線。在那之後,我們就像是解開了枷鎖一般,不停地渴求彼此。家中也好,賓館也罷……我們兩人不停地交合著。然而,我內心一直在苦惱著——繼續維持這種關係真的好嗎?與內心糾結的我相反,妹妹她倒是表現得性致勃勃。於是,我做出了某個決定……如果需要電子版作品請點選這邊※ 作品頁面的預覽圖皆為使用3D程式建立的樣品,並非實際的實際的作品厚度,請多注意。This print book is part of a limited-run print batch. We currently do not have pl..
Ex Tax:$13.95
聽神旨意就對了 神明大人把處男吃乾抹淨,寵愛又色色的脫處故事 (實體同人誌)
Physical Book
與白長髮青年神明的寵愛處男色色故事充滿無限靈力的處男青年×生來靈力虛弱的神明青年神明為了獲得靈力對處男青年從嘗鮮到完全搾精SEX來開搾。/白長髮俊美年上高身高受男和風奇幻BL如果需要電子版作品請點選這邊※ 作品頁面的預覽圖皆為使用3D程式建立的樣品,並非實際的實際的作品厚度,請多注意。This print book is part of a limited-run print batch. We currently do not have plans to reprint the book once sold out...
Ex Tax:$8.25
辣妹姊姊居然當上我的女朋友了!?  (實體同人誌)
Physical Book
Artist: Ayakase Chiyoko
爸爸再婚對象的小孩是兩名年長的姊姊。雖然我們從小感情就很好,但她們好像不只是用親人的目光看我……這是性趣盎然的我被兩位辣妹姊姊壓倒操了個爽的故事。如果需要電子版作品請點選這邊※ 作品頁面的預覽圖皆為使用3D程式建立的樣品,並非實際的實際的作品厚度,請多注意。This print book is part of a limited-run print batch. We currently do not have plans to reprint the book once sold out...
Ex Tax:$9.25
Adventurers by Day, Secretly Training by Night (Physical Book)
Physical Book Out of Stock
Artist: Yukataro
What do you do when your local sex trap dungeon fucks you into submission before you reach the second floor? Easy! Gather your adventurer gal pals and grind (each other) for S.E.X.P.! Yukataro’s back and more frenetic than ever in the sequel to Adventurers by Day, Freaky Friends by Night! ..
Ex Tax:$22.00
Deli☆Succu -叫外送茶卻來了魅魔的體驗感想 (實體同人誌)
Physical Book Out of Stock
叫了外送茶上門,結果來的居然是真正的魅魔!!?被兩名魅魔舔遍全身,手交榨精,然後再被尾巴逆姦灌注媚藥的濃厚3P體驗!!好好享受被魅魔用各種手段搾取精液吧!!「搞不好會被榨得一乾二淨……最後死掉哦?♡」如果需要電子版作品請點選這邊※ 作品頁面的預覽圖皆為使用3D程式建立的樣品,並非實際的實際的作品厚度,請多注意。This print book is part of a limited-run print batch. We currently do not have plans to reprint the book once sold out...
Ex Tax:$6.25
GAMING HAREM 1 (Physical Book - FRENCH)
Physical Book Out of Stock
Artist: Sasamori Tomoe
Shuta Yaito passe son temps enfermé chez lui à jouer aux jeux vidéo. Un jour, il reçoit une demande pour intégrer une équipe de gamers et accepte. Il était loin d'imaginer que l'équipe en question serait composée de trois belles filles !This print book is part of a limited-run print batch. We curren..
GAMING HAREM 1 (Physical Book)
Physical Book Out of Stock
Artist: Sasamori Tomoe
Shuta Yaito spends his time at home playing video games. When asked to join a team he agrees, but he wasn't expecting the members to be three beautiful girls!Release Date: Available Now in Limited Stock!For the Digital Version click here.    This print book is part of a limited-r..
Ex Tax:$30.00
Happy Nudist Beach (Physical Book)
Physical Book Out of Stock
Artist: Mira
A frisky lesbian looking to meet fellow singles escapes the woes of the pandemic by taking a vacation to a private beach where you can ditch the mask... and the swimsuit.For the Digital Version click here. This print book is part of a limited-run print batch. We currently do not have plans..
Ex Tax:$28.00
I Can't Get it Up Without Two Pairs of Big Breasts, So My Wife Brought Her Friend! (Physical Book)
Physical Book Out of Stock
Artist: Tachibana Omina
Who knew that the key to saving Yuuto and Sae's troubled sex life was inviting a friend to join in!Release Date: October 2023 For the Digital Version click here. This print book is part of a limited-run print batch. We currently do not have plans to reprint the book once sold out...
Ex Tax:$25.00
Imaizumi Brings All The Gyarus To His House Compilation (Physical Book)
Physical Book Out of Stock
Artist: Norigorou
Short comics, illustrations and extra goodies galore in this compilation for the full color series "Imaizumi Brings All The Gyarus To His House"!Included in this compilation: - Imaizumi Brings All The Gyarus To His House 1- Imaizumi Brings All The Gyarus To His House 1.2 (Compilation ..
Ex Tax:$80.00
Lustful Little Kitty Cat (Physical Book)
Physical Book Out of Stock
Artist: Nemu
A skilled assassin gets in over her head when she finds out her target is an unkillable monster man, and winds up paying the price by becoming his slave in both mind and body... For the Digital Version click here.This print book is part of a limited-run print batch. We currently do not have pla..
Ex Tax:$25.00
My Best Friend Is a Gender Bender Compilation 1 (Physical Book)
Physical Book Out of Stock
Artist: Uten Ameka
A compilation of chapters from the "My Best Friend Is a Gender Bender" series by Uten Ameka, filled with content including author comments for each chapter and character design sketches!Included in the compilation: - My Best Friend Is a Gender Bender 1- My Best Friend Is a Gender Bend..
Ex Tax:$55.00
My Friend with Zero Chastity (Physical Book)
Physical Book Out of Stock
Artist: Mizuryu Kei
A tomboy bestie who is always DTF. The first part of the "Zero Chastity" series!For the Digital Version click here. This print book is part of a limited-run print batch. We currently do not have plans to reprint the book once sold out...
Ex Tax:$18.00
My Junior and Her Liquid Courage (Physical Book)
Physical Book Out of Stock
Artist: Danimaru
Sousuke doesn't know if Kana, his junior at work, likes him. After work drinks end up revealing Kana's true feelings for her senior!For the Digital Version click here. This print book is part of a limited-run print batch. We currently do not have plans to reprint the book once sold out...
Ex Tax:$30.00
School of the Seven Sisters - Chapter 1 (Physical Book)
Physical Book Out of Stock
Artist: Akatsuki Myuuto
A teacher gets transferred to a school in the boondocks, where all the students are girls... and beautiful, horny ones at that.For the Digital Version click here. This print book is part of a limited-run print batch. We currently do not have plans to reprint the book once sold out...
Ex Tax:$30.00
Shiori s'offre un gigolo (Physical Book - FRENCH)
Physical Book Out of Stock
Artist: Kurosu Gatari
Shiori s'ennuie dans sa petite vie de femme au foyer. Elle est loin de se douter que le beau jeune homme qu'elle entretient pour son plaisir personnel lui fera découvrir de nouveaux horizons...This print book is part of a limited-run print batch. We currently do not have plans to reprint the book on..
Sugar Mommy Shiori (Physical Book)
Physical Book Out of Stock
Artist: Kurosu Gatari
Shiori's a bit bored with her marriage. Thankfully, a young, attractive man will take care of that for a nominal fee...*The print version is the "With Glasses" version of the work. For the Digital Version click here. This print book is part of a limited-run print batch. We curren..
Ex Tax:$30.00
Tatsunami Youtoku "Bra" Shirt
Out of Stock
Original Shirt design by Tatsunami Youtoku!This is Irodori Comics' first foray into merchandise. Instead of using existing art and characters from books, we’re working with artists to draw original designs in their art style. These shirts are exclusively printed for Irodori Comics and..
Ex Tax:$30.00
Tatsunami Youtoku "Tan Gyaru" Shirt
Out of Stock
Original Shirt design by Tatsunami Youtoku!This is Irodori Comics' first foray into merchandise. Instead of using existing art and characters from books, we’re working with artists to draw original designs in their art style. These shirts are exclusively printed for Irodori Comics and are unavai..
Ex Tax:$30.00
The Shy Snow Woman and the Cursed Ring (Physical Book)
Physical Book Out of Stock
Artist: Puuzaki Puuna
The landlord finds a ring that can control yokai and proceeds to use it on a beautiful snow woman living in one of the apartments!For the Digital Version click here.This print book is part of a limited-run print batch. We currently do not have plans to reprint the book once sold out...
Ex Tax:$35.00
直到喝醉的後輩變得誠實之後 (實體同人誌)
Physical Book Out of Stock
Artist: Danimaru
在公司裡總是很冷淡的學妹「青海」。  擔心沒辦法和她好好相處的學長「影井」邀請她去喝酒。  隨著幾杯黃湯下肚,青海的樣子越來越奇怪。  向影井告白其實她祕密地喜歡著他這件事。  看著混亂著的影井的青海,一邊說著:  「既然學長這麼不願意相信我…就讓我證明給學長看,我有多麼喜歡學長!」  一邊把影井帶去了賓館…!?  平常冷冰冰的學妹嬌羞全開向你索求的熱戀放閃性愛!!如果需要電子版作品請點選這邊※ 作品頁面的預覽圖皆為使用3D程式建立的樣品,並非實際的實際的作品厚度,請多注意。This print book is p..
Ex Tax:$11.25
蝶子 —總集篇— (實體同人誌)
Physical Book Out of Stock
與京都腔青梅竹馬的純愛NTR故事——「蝶子」系列的總集篇。身為主角的青梅竹馬,也是「好人家的大小姐」的蝶子,在她清純的外表下,其實藏著一名性觀念扭曲的痴女。那些被她吸引,誘發了獸慾的男人們,都將在毫無良知與道德的惡女裙下死去……這是她那名為純愛,實則扭曲的故事。如果需要電子版作品請點選這邊※ 作品頁面的預覽圖皆為使用3D程式建立的樣品,並非實際的實際的作品厚度,請多注意。This print book is part of a limited-run print batch. We currently do not have plans to reprint the book onc..
Ex Tax:$28.95
Showing 51 to 82 of 82 (2 Pages)